Sunday, October 17, 2010

Pumpkin Fest '10!

On Saturday night we took a spontaneous trip up to the Keene Pumpkin Festival in New Hampshire. It was awesome. I was expecting a couple hundred pumpkins lit in a field on a little farm--not so. They shut down the whole downtown and the streets are lined with shelves of pumpkins. At the very end of the street there was a 60 foot tall tower of pumpkins topped off with a HUGE pumpkin. It was such a great way to get into the fall spirit. I love fall in New England.

This last one is just precious Penny at the Library. Waltham has a great public library and we go there at least twice a week to read and play. She is just so cute I want to punch her in the face, but instead I just kiss her in the face. Lately she loves giving kisses and high-fives, coloring, identifying body parts, and reading all of her books at the same time.


  1. That looks awesome! I can't wait for next week!!!!!!

  2. she is adorable. look at how long her hair is getting! we can't wait to see her in a few months. and you guys too. but mostly her. and you. everyone really.

  3. What fun...and Penny, getting more adorable, of course!
