Monday, November 2, 2009


November is National Novel Writing Month! So, I have decided to take the challenge. 1,700 words a day and by the end of the month I should have a full fledged novel. I am only blogging this because NaNoWriMo (the organization sponsoring this event) encourages all participants to tell everyone they know that they are writing a novel, in hopes that the looming specter of humiliation will carry us forward. I know it's November 2nd, so you're already 1700 words behind, but if anyone else is interested here's the website, That's my user page. My user name is Smackster. My WIP is titled Don't Shoot the Messenger (Or How We Changed the Block).

What am I doing wasting all these words!? If my blogging is a little sparse this month, I apologize, but now you know why.

I'll see you in December.

(Don't worry I'll make Dave upload cute Penny pictures)


  1. Wow! I'm wordy, but I don't know if I could crank out 1700 a day for a month...but you go girl! And, yes, please more cute Penny pictures....I'm missing, missing, MISSING her!

  2. and what's going on for christmas???????

  3. A novel, huh? Thats lofty. I like it . Can't wait to read it!!

  4. Yes more cute Penny pics and I also am looking forward to reading your novel, my book is my blog and it is probably a 99 cent store book at that! Love ya ( and I agree Livi's hair was more like adorable hair day)

  5. Yay... Good luck with that! I hope you guys are doing well and enjoying East Coast living. :)
