First of all, I got these Kate Spade shoes, originally $258, for $59. Thanks, TJ Maxx.
Apparently the looming specter of personal humiliation is not enough to compel me to write a novel in one month. So back to the important stuff. Penny just turned 6 months on Sunday! I can't believe how big she is. She rolls over really well now, but she still prefers her back (unless shes on the bed in which case she prefers her stomach). She can sit up, kind of, but since shes long and thin instead of squat and chubby like many babies, she doesn't have a great core to squish down on. She just sort of falls over after a minute. But she's also kind of a genius, for instance, she knows how to use the light switch! When the light is off she will put her hand, palm up, under the switch and push up. Then when it is on she will put her hand over the switch, palm down, and push down. Brilliant! (pun intended).
Here are some pics I took of her on her 6 month birthday (The only two that weren't blurry).